giovedì 3 maggio 2012

Shutterstock vectors

Oggi mi sono rimessa a mandare files vettoriali sui vari siti microstock. La fatica è quella di ricordarsi, sito per sito, le specifiche relative a dimensionamento, salvataggio, invio, ecc... Sto facendo alcune illustrazioni da colorare e mi sono appena arenata suShutterStock! perchè non ricordo come si mandano!!! uff... Dopo alcune scartabellate ecco trovata finalmente la pagina Shutter relative ai vettori
Mi metto qui un piccolo promemoria preso direttamente dal sito:

Keep in mind:
Vector uploads require that two files be uploaded at the same time: An EPS file and a preview JPEG file. We accept EPS files that are compatible with Adobe Illustrator 10 and Illustrator 8. The EPS should be no larger than 15MB. The JPEG should be approximately 800 pixels on the long side at 72 DPI. Each file must be named exactly the same, character for character, except for the extension. For example: vector_example.jpg vector_example.eps Please wait until both files have uploaded before proceeding to keywording. If you open this page before both files have uploaded, the .jpg may get separated from the .eps, be rejected as too small, and your vector submission will be lost. If you have uploaded via FTP, it may take some time for both of your files to finish processing, maybe even up to a half hour, so please be patient. To make sure that your uploads have all been processed, check your images on the editor page. All vector submissions should say “(vector)” either on or below the image, as shown here. If the word vector does not appear, please wait up to a half hour and reload the page.


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